Weight loss-look closely at those words. Is there an image in your head now? Go back to your own body. You likely know that most diets do not work, or perhaps you have discovered diets DO work, but they work in reverse. A well known doctor had a problem-he had patients coming to him to get help gaining weight. Yup, they were not only too skinny; they could NOT put on pounds.
For years he had seen patients ride the roller coaster of loss and gain-it suddenly occurred to him. He put ALL his patients who could not gain weight on a diet-when they lost 3-4 pounds and started to eat normal again, they gained 5-7 pounds back. They went on a diet again and lost 4-5 pounds, only to eat normal again and gain 7-9 pounds back. Diets do work, they work in reverse!
The general term "lose" is the challenge to attack. Do you all want smaller muscles? That could be part of the "loss" if you are not careful. We want to burn FAT, and GAIN muscle for sure. All of us have different bodies too. Trying to look like someone on a magazine cover may simply not be possible-AND it may be unhealthy. Hopefully you all know skinny is not an equivalent to health. Just because someone is "rich", or has stuff, they are not happy either! It is our goal to help you melt some fat and build some muscle. To do this you need blood flow. Exercise and movement are important. All movement is not created equal. What I mean is, will exercise unclog your arteries if they have plaque build up? In most cases, NOT. We all likely know some thin person who jogs all the time who died of a stroke or heart-attack. My uncle did at 52 while physically fit, running to the store for ice cream.
Hydrogenated oils are artificially processed oils that never appear in nature. They are created by food producers for the convenience of food producers - primarily to add shelf life and consistency to foods so that those foods not only taste great, but can sit on the shelf for months at a time without going bad.
The growing body of literature suggesting that HFCS (high Fructose Corn-Syrup) affects body weight and some obesogenic parameters.
Meanwhile, despite two decades of public health initiatives, stricter government dietary guidelines, record growth of farmers' markets and the ease of products like salad in a bag, The New York Times is now telling us something that, in truth, we already know: Americans still aren't eating enough vegetables.
Today, the Times said, only 23 percent of American meals include a vegetable (note: French fries don't count). And in restaurants, a mere 5 percent of patrons order salads as a main course. In an effort to make vegetables more attractive, growers are trying all kinds of tricks to get us to eat them, including the baby carrot industry trying to position the product as a junk food.
It is my intention is to help you THINK, not just react to life. You have been lied to many times by "experts". Doctors are misinforming you. THINK, a doctor gets ZERO education on nutrition in 8 years of school. The doctors license ONLY allows them to give you prescriptions-they "treat" your SYMPTOMS, not heal your problems. They are not allowed nor do they know how. Period. The AMA, (American Medical Association) reports doctors are responsible for almost 2 million deaths a year for either misdiagnosis, or conflict medications. That is when your prescriptions you take may have an adverse reaction if combined with herbal tea-like death.
You have been lied to thinking your weight is "hereditary". It is "habitary". Genetics and DNA do NOT work that way. Listen, I KNOW, our whole lives we have heard this garbage-centuries ago everyone was told if you sailed too far, you would fall off too. All your weight issues are likely environmental-if the parents are big; the kids are eating at the same dinner table or fast food restaurant. I Googled a load of different web sites on reducing plaque in the arteries-they all say the same basic thing-you can help yourself through NUTRITION. Nitric Oxide will do this for you immediately as soon as you take the formula developed by part of the 1998 research team that won the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1998-the doctor was named "Father of the Year" by the 2008 Diabetes Association and determined he has saved more lives than any living physician.
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