Saturday, December 4, 2010

The Miracles of Not Losing Fat by Taking Weight Loss Pills

I went to this healthy restaurant the other day. They claim to serve food that burn a lot of fat and calories. I asked them how long does it take to have an effect and they said within days of eating their food. So I sat down to the table and ordered six capsules of green tea herbal pills for the appetizer, 15 capsules of acai berry extract, goji berry extract and some ginger pills for the mains, and for desert I ordered a vanilla extract six pack pill with coconut on the side.

I got home hungry and ordered McDonald to satisfy my hunger. I did not lose half a kilo.

Of course I am telling you fibs here but someone may as well start a restaurant that serves that kind of nonsense to people because the weight loss pill industry seems to turn over billions every year as it is. People think they will lose weight fast just from swallowing some tablets that suppose to be natural. I do not believe this is nature, a processed little capsule that maybe will be absorbed inside the body and go into the blood system and do this and that for you. I believe in eating real food that will do all that for you. And we have seen again and again people who eat junk and look like junk and people who eat well and look well because you are what you eat.

I carry with me a one and a half litter water bottle which I fill every day with fresh drinking water and I make sure to finish it plus another half a litter every day. The first 700-800 ml of it I drink first thing in the morning before breakfast and wait until I have to empty myself. I then have breakfast which contain of some organic eggs, one sausage, plenty of vegetables, and some cheese. Two or three hours later I may have a fruit salad with some raw nuts and organic yogurt, and I keep going until bed time on the same fashion.

I also make sure that at least 51% of my daily food intake is raw, and when I say raw I mean un-cooked. This means a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables, raw nuts, un-cooked fish salad, and so on. It sounds complicated but once you get in the routine of doing it this way and you enjoy the health benefits of this life style you never go back and it stops to be so difficult.

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