Friday, December 3, 2010

Think Gastric Bypass Operation Is the Only Way? Don't Risk Your Life, Lose Weight Safely

Don't risk your life unnecessarily if you don't have to. Did you know that a gastric bypass operation is a still a surgery and shouldn't be undergone without some very serious consideration. Gastric bypass operation will force you to completely change the way you eat and recovery can take up to 5+ weeks to get over. Although in some cases this surgery may be required, it should not be considered a fast solution to what is really a simple problem.

Here are some of the changes that that a gastric bypass operation will force on your life:

Tiny Meals - You can only eat a few ounces at any time and you will have to eat very often. Your stomach will become much smaller with the gastric bypass operation in addition to skipping some of your small intestine. This will obviously limit the number of calories you can physically eat and absorb into your system. If you think this is just s temporary solution, you are wrong.You Can't Drink AND Eat - After you have the gastric bypass operation, your stomach will be so small that it can not take both solid food and drink at the same time. You have to stop drinking 30 minutes before eating a meal and won't be able to drink for 30 minutes after a meal. Your stomach just can't handle that amount of food and drink at one time.Restricted Diet - If you think that you would be able to just eat anything you want in small amounts after your gastric bypass operation, you are mistaken. Many people aren't allowed to each any simple sugars at all. Simple sugars can cause what is called dumping syndrome which causes food to pass too quickly through your stomach and intestines. It can cause a lot of nasty side effects, many you don't want to experience.

Although having a gastric bypass operation may be required by some in severely dangerous situations to begin with, it is not something you want to start looking for if you are simply overweight. Most people hate the ideas of diets but with a gastric bypass operation, you are not only forced onto a diet of sorts but you have had some major surgery that is risky and dangerous itself. If you are not required to go through this kind of operation you may want to consider other options such as a diet program that lets you eat what you want, just under a little more control.

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