Saturday, November 27, 2010

Lose Weight Without Dieting or Exercise - Guaranteed

Why your children are obese

It is now predicted by medical and scientific experts any child born after the year 2000 will not only outlive their children, they still will have a 1 in 2 chance of heart disease and diabetes. That is an ugly statistic. Are kids obese today because they play video games and do not play outside? I doubt that. Are you kids doomed to heredity issues of parental obesity? Not likely. Genetics do not work that way. These kids are eating at your dinner table or fast-food restaurant is why they are on the path you put them on. High Fructose Corn-Syrup is toxic and does not break-down and turns into fat. All corn products are genetically modified and have been for years. Foods with hydrogenated oils (crackers, cookies, potato chips) are already lining your kid's arterial walls and restricting their blood flow.

How did I burn off several inches of belly-fat without one single exercise or diet anything? You will know before this article is over what ONE item is missing in every one's diet. Research the 1998 Nobel Prize in Medicine Award. We have had computers and Internet for 20 years. Laser technology, holographic 3-D imaging, cellular break through, and just recently figured out we need Nitric Oxide (NO) in our diets. Not all forms of NO are created equal.

I shared in a previous blog that diets do work, they work in reverse. A doctor knew about the swings everyone goes on when they diet. You take a couple steps back, (lose weight) and then when you go off your diet you gain even more and end up taking 5 steps in the wrong direction. He had patients coming to him for help gaining weight. Yes, he had ultra thin people who could not pack it on. When he remembered the swings the dieters got on him of course, put the thin people on diets. They lost 2-3 pounds and when they ate normal again they gained 4-5 back. They would diet again and lose 4-5 pounds and eat normal and gain 8-9 pounds back. When you understand how the body works it makes sense. When you diet you are starving the normal intake and body knows it and panics. Your body goes into storage mode when you eat normal so the body won't have to starve as much should you diet again.

Losing weight is not the goal of a healthy person. Losing or burning body-fat is. You want to build muscle which means you may gain weight. Fat floats protein/muscle sinks. My business partner is freaking out. His whole life he has had a soft body or at least a belly. Drinking soda and sweet tea did not seem to help either. In one weeks use of ProArgi9 Plus he noticed more energy. He was sleeping less and more active. The mirror is what got his attention. The life time love handles that were there are gone. Vanished without a trace. All of us simply need Nitric Oxide in our bodies. We cannot get enough of it through the food supply as we once did. It only does one thing-NO clears out your arteries and your body then heals itself. Think hard about this one. When you cut your finger or get burned, what happens? Give it some time and your body repairs itself.

All the people taking this natural plant based formula report reversing heart disease, strokes, kidney failures, diabetes complications, autism, brain tumors, erectile dysfunction, dementia, fatigue, obesity, so very much more. All this did was do ONE THING! It cleaned out all the arterial system in your bodies and your body healed itself through increased blood flow. Your drugs and medications cannot and will not ever do this. How much do people spend annually on supplements and vitamins that are completely wasted? If your arteries are clogged, and they are-the delivery system internally cannot perform what you wish. If you are one of the many who cannot think for yourself, you are going to go to your doctor and ask them about something their huge ego's know nothing about-nutrition. Your doctor got zero minutes of education in 8 years of med school. I publish a live conference call 5 nights a week, you can bring them on my call and we can cat directly about all this too.

Blood flow is the key to health. One of them anyway. We have an arterial system over 100,000 miles long. That means the very small capillaries that are supposed to get blood flow that don't cannot perform duties, like removing fat. You also do not know the food you eat is such crap your body surrounds it in brown fat to encapsulate the toxins, I mean food you just ate and are toxic as much as obese. My partner and I both lost fat that has been there due to increased blood flow.

My daughters are almost 15, 16. They have never eaten dairy, gluten, corn products, genetic modified foods, soy products; they have eaten grass fed meats we raised with no hormones, antibiotics, steroids, no herbicides or pesticides on the grass the animals ate. No high fructose corn-syrup ever-they drink good water. We eat organic live foods, like fresh fruit and vegetables daily with good exercise. My girl's arteries still tested 29 years old and 37 years old on a perfect diet. That means our food supply is depleted of Nitric Oxide and getting worse. THAT is why it has been predicted kids just born will outlive their children. Your doctor is part of the problem, not part of the solution. So are you. You cannot fix something you do not know is broken, now you do.

Is Obesity Infectious?

We all know that many viral deceases are contagious and spread by physical contact. Similarly behavior can be influenced by family and friends. In the same way, is it possible that obesity is acquired from our social contacts?

Recent research at Harvard University suggests so. A research article published by Hill, Rand, Nowak and Christakis recently in PLOS computational biology journal suggests that obesity is spread similar to an infectious disease transmission among friends and social contacts.

This research not only identified the inter-relation between obesity and social contacts but also quantified.

Models of infection

In order to understand the models, individuals are classified as susceptible and infected.

In the SIR model, an individual is susceptible to start with, gets infected and then becomes immune to infection and so after the first infection, the individual gets into recovery stage. Hence the name SIR is given, which is derived from the first letters of the words - Susceptible, Infected and Recovered.

However in some deceases and social behaviour patterns, an individual does not become immune and so becomes susceptible once again after a recovery. This model is SIS model -meaning Susceptible, Infected and Susceptible.

In cases of social contacts, such behaviour can be 'infected' spontaneously or automatically as the present study has shown. To explain this phenomenon, the authors have extended the SIS model and called it SISa, the suffix standing for automatic.

Using the model, the research quantified the social influence on obesity. In fact the model calculates that for each obese social contact, the rate of obesity increases by 0.5 percentage points.

This is an interesting study and probably adds one more fact to prove the mind over body phenomenon. However one important point the study highlights is, while the number of obese contacts influence the change of state from non-obese to obese, the reverse is not true. This observation shows that it is not a simple mind body influence. Or if it indeed is, the influence is only on the negative side. Actually the authors concluded from the study that while gaining weight is contagious, losing weight is not.

This study used data points from earlier obesity studies. As the earlier studies did not focus on information of social network data, the authors suggest that some of the social data might be incomplete. While this might have caused some under sampling, the authors are confident that the results would not have changed qualitatively.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Lap Band Success - Avoiding Emotional Eating With A Lap Band

So I was hoping that once I got my lap band and got my weight off and my eating habits under control I would no longer have to deal with emotional eating. Guess what? I was wrong! The last few months have been a particularly stressful time for me and I have found myself reaching for food as a crutch on several occasions. I have given in to the incredible "call" of carbs to help me "feel good" and stuff my emotions. I've found that not only do they not make me feel good, but I actually have to deal with feeling bad physically as well as emotionally when I do give in. Add this to the sleep disruption that stress causes and it is a recipe for disaster.

Let me give you an example of what happens to me:

I give in and eat a cookie, or two, or three, or five (it could just as well be chips, ice cream, or whatever the "craving" of the moment is):

First I feel guilty for having eaten too much of the "forbidden" food (after six years none of this is forbidden, it is just extremely limited in both quantity and frequency);Then, a short time later I am hungry when I shouldn't be. Guess what, my body has the last laugh having created the "need" for more carbs once I give in to them;For the next few days I am dealing with that craving for more highly processed carbs, my digestion gets upset, and I am generally too focused on food.

So you see, there are definite physical and psychological reactions to giving in to "binges" no matter how minor they are. I can assure you that with my lap band I can no longer eat the entire box of cookies or bag of chips, but, if I try, I can certainly find a way to eat "around" my band, and any quantity of these highly processed foods have too many calories with very little value. Self sabotage of the first degree! This is definitely not an ideal situation.

How do I deal with this emotional craving for foods that will have this negative result? As best as I can each time I am faced with the issue, which is frequently during times of stress. Here are some of my coping techniques:

If the foods are in front of me (as in the supermarket or at someone else's house) I walk away from them, or look for a food that would be a healthy alternative with fewer calories and higher protein if possible. I also try to use a food that will "fill" me up, like fresh fruits, vegetables or jerky. Looking at this from best case scenario a piece of celery would satisfy my need to chew on something and definitely fill me to the point that I could not eat anything else, while providing virtually no calories. If I have this with a little salsa I get to eat something that is tasty, crunches and fills me up. Worst case - I buy the bag of chips, eat some and then put the rest in the trash, and by trash I mean the big smelly can outside. I avoid having these "trigger" foods in my house.If it's just a craving and the food is not right there in front of me I try to change what I'm doing to try to distract myself. For example, if I am sitting at my desk writing a blog and suddenly find the need to munch on something that is not in my plan for the day, I will frequently get up and change what I am doing, even if it means going for a short walk outside, calling a friend, going to the gym, or emailing or calling for help from my support people.If I have "fallen off the wagon" and made some bad choices I work very hard to not beat myself up (Not beating myself up is different from allowing myself to consistently eat highly processed carbohydrates on a regular basis). The best way I have found for dealing with this is to have a conversation with myself that goes something like this: "Ok, so you ate some of the _________. You didn't want to, but you did. Now what? Are you going to gain back everything you lost just because you ate this once? Nope, now just don't do it again. This is not like when you used to be on diets, went off and just threw in the towel and lost all control. You have a tool and a group of people dedicated to helping you continue your success. Use your tool and use these people and your next choices will be good ones." This works for me because it gives me the permission to have acted in a human fashion and made a poor choice, but reminds me that I have the ability and opportunities to make good choices and should plan my next actions.

In summary, I am not perfect, my choices are not perfect nor have they been throughout this journey. My lap band has given me the opportunity to learn that I don't need the "whole bag of chips" to be satisfied. I have learned that I can taste one chip, or one cookie, or one bite and enjoy it and be done, or better yet, not have any at all. Any more than one I don't taste, so why bother, since all I am doing is stuffing emotions and wind up feeling bad physically and emotionally. I can choose alternative behaviors to eating sweets or carbs and be just as happy, and even healthier.

DISCLAIMER - This article is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice, and is not a replacement for medical care or advice given by physicians or trained medical personnel.

Lap Band Surgery - Appealing Insurance Denials for Bariatric Surgery

It can be very discouraging if your insurance company denies the pre-authorization request for coverage of lap band surgery. If you receive a denial, however, don't give up! Instead, appeal the decision. Like many other lap band patients who were initially denied coverage, you too may find that it is possible to gain approval through the appeals process.

Denial of Coverage Notification

When you receive a notification of denial, the first step towards filing an appeal is to determine why the insurance company denied your request. Once you know the exact reason why coverage was denied, then you can proceed with gathering the information needed to overturn the initial decision.

When you follow-up with the insurance company for details, be polite yet persistent. Not only do you want to find out why the surgery was denied, but you want to find out what information the insurance company requires for approval. The insurance company may not make it easy for you, but don't let that stop you from working through the appeal process.

Paperwork and Documentation

Many pre-authorization requests for coverage of bariatric surgery are denied simply because of incomplete paperwork and lack of proper documentation. While you may know that you have struggled with obesity for years and have tried to lose weight with diet, exercise and medically supervised plans, the insurance company will not know that unless you provide them with all the "evidence" to this effect, including documentation of doctor visits for weight loss, receipts of diet and exercise programs, and medical history records. Since there is no such thing as providing too much relevant information, be thorough and submit all the proof you have of previous weight loss attempts. The documentation you provide to the insurance company can make a difference as to whether or not you are granted coverage for surgery.

Meeting Patient Criteria and Medical Necessity

Coverage for lap band surgery often depends on whether or not an individual meets The National Institutes of Health (NIH) patient criteria for weight loss surgery and if the procedure is considered a medical necessity. Both of these conditions can be established by your doctor and presented to the insurance company in a Letter of Medical Necessity. The statement your doctor provides to the insurance company about your obesity and weight related health problems is very important in showing your insurance company the medical necessity of weight loss surgery. Your doctor should be more than willing to write a letter to your insurance company as a way of helping you present your case for coverage of lap band surgery, both in the initial request and in the appeals process.

Appealing an Exclusion for Weight Loss Surgery

Even if your insurance plan excludes "obesity surgery" or "treatment of obesity" it may still be possible to appeal and win. Bariatric surgery has been shown to be an effective treatment for many other diseases, including type 2 diabetes, hypertension (high blood pressure), and obstructive sleep apnea. Since these diseases are usually covered by health insurance, the appeal would be based on your doctor's opinion that bariatric surgery is the best method for treating your health problems. Documentation should be presented to the insurance company showing that other treatment methods have not been effective in controlling or curing the disease.

Writing An Insurance Appeal Letter

When you are informed of a denial there is usually a date limit to respond. While it is important to appeal within a timely manner, it is also important to respond effectively. When appealing, write a letter that is factual and persuasive, yet pleasant and polite. Make sure you include all the relevant information and include the supporting documentation to establish patient criteria and medical necessity. Make copies of everything you send for your own records and then send the package with tracking information for proof of mailing.

Learn About The Bariatric Lap Band Procedure To See If It Is Right For You

The bariatric Lap-Band procedure really is quite simple. This surgery involves a band that tightens around the top part of the stomach to limit food intake. The band that will tighten the stomach is passed through small abdominal incisions. The stomach is not cut or punctured in any way. The surgery is painless under general anesthesia and only lasts around 30-60 minutes with a fast recovery. Recovery will generally not take longer than a 48 hour hospital stay.

The gastric band has a balloon- type device inside to allow the band to inflate or deflate as needed. The surgical procedure is done in a way that allows the doctor to inflate or deflate the device easily without surgery. Therefore, as the patient loses weight, the band can easily be tightened to adjust for the extra weight loss. If the band ends up getting too tight, again, the doctor can deflate it to loosen it the same way. If the desired amount of weight is lost and the patient is able to keep it off without the band, the band can easily be removed. The stomach should then return to normal. So, the Lap-Band procedure is completely reversible if the patient no longer needs it.

Even with bariatric procedures and surgeries, guidelines and doctor's orders must be followed to ensure success. If the patient is dedicated to following the doctor's orders while at home, goals will most likely be achieved. It is important to continue with the doctor's recommended dietary and fitness plans even after the device is removed to keep the weight off.

Is There An Easy Answer To Stopping Obesity?

I ask this question as I recently read an article about a certain type of protein that if controlled protected the heart from harm caused by high-fat diets. This was an interesting study because for me it raises an interesting question. Do we tell the public what they want to hear when it comes to weight loss and obesity?

The reason I say this is because the concept of a "high fat" diet doesn't explain everything in full and tends to over simplify the situation a little bit. If we say to people, stop eating fat, then that potentially is a very straight forward message and people tend to like to follow straight forward advice.

This can create the issue that controlling obesity is as simple as cutting out fat, which can lead to over consumption of sugar, which is essence is a poison to the body, whereas 60% of the human brain is comprised of, yes you guessed it, FAT! The problem with this article again is the source of the information. The studies were performed on FRUIT FLIES!

I am sorry but I can't see how studies performed on fruit flies using coconut oil can give us any solid evidence that high fat diets can cause heart disease, obesity and cancer. It is increasing that a few hundred years ago when all we had to eat was animal fat (and the animals were grass fed) that these three conditions were not as prominent as today? Interesting...

In regards of coconut oil, I have read numerous reports on this subject from nutritionists that say it one of the most healthiest fats on the planet? I understand that everyone has an opinion but I would much rather go with the nutritionist than a report that is based on fruit flies!

The obesity crisis is something that needs to tackled and I do not believe there is an easy way to do this, we must be honest with people and help them overcome the barriers that they will face and not come up with quick fix solutions like " low fat " or "low carb", we need to educate and be honest

Lack of Diet and Lack of Exercise - A Deadly Combination

Having a sedentary behavior and poor eating habits will soon become a deadly combination. Sedentary behavior is more aptly described as muscular inactivity. This means that prolonged periods of sitting and lack of whole body muscular movement are strongly linked to obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and overall higher risk of death. This is true even with a moderate exercise program.

Researchers have found even with moderate to vigorous exercise people who do nothing in between these exercise sessions have a higher risk of the various diseases. The benefit of exercise is loss when no muscular activity is involved in the off days. What the research has shown that people must be active even with an exercise program. If you are in active and on a diet program and are obese or overweight this becomes deadly.

The problems of overweight and obesity are well chronicled. Researchers are finding out that every hour of sitting in front of the TV, computer screen, or game platform, increases the risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer and the risk of death. This does not mean stop exercising. This means get up and are active as much as possible. When you are on a weight loss program and eating a well balanced meal with exercise you will have much more energy to do the everyday things that you didn't do before.

Muscular inactivity is dangerous when combined with poor eating habits. Your body is designed to be work. It does not have to be hard work it needs to be active. The more active your body is the last exercising your body needs. This is from normal health. If you are obese or overweight you need to gradually increase your exercise and activity along with a sound eating habits and a well balanced meal plan. The lack of this combination can be deadly.

Having a well balanced diet program includes exercise, activity, meal planning, goal planning, and perseverance to continue with to the end. The result of inactivity and poor eating habits leads to sickness and death. Researchers have found that the health of people who already been too little exercise will suffer even more if combined with extended bouts of sitting. The bottom-line is getting active and enjoy life.

Is Your Obesity Genetic?

If you're currently struggling with obesity, clinical obesity or morbid obesity and you think your genes may be to blame this article will help you by discussing the common causes of obesity in parents and their children.

After reading this article you will understand the factors that may lead to obesity particularly when your parents are also obese.

Genes and Obesity

Your genes affect several weight-related functions in your body, including your metabolic rate, blood glucose metabolism, fat-storage and hormones.

Research into obesity and genetics has indicated that adopted children tend to develop weight similar to their biological parents, rather than adoptive parents. This, together with the facts that obesity tends to run in families, suggests that a genetic predisposition to obesity may be passed down from your parents.

However, there's another thing that your parents pass down to you - your habits.

Obese Habits

Our habits are formed very early in life and are heavily influenced by our parents. If your parents ate microwave dinners with a can of soda, this became the 'norm' for you and your eating habits were formed.

Once a habit is formed it becomes a routine of behaviour that we automatically repeat and it tends to occur almost subconsciously. Sometimes your habits are so strong you've forgotten you have any other choice.

You current weight, fitness, health, where you live, the car your drive and your job are all a result of your current habits. Habits that can be changed.

Habits Or Genes

The fact that obesity has increased dramatically over the last few decades points to the reality that environment, not genetics is the major cause. Perhaps having a predisposition to obesity has worsened the problem.

Why Habits Is Worth Your Consideration

Initially, accepting your habits as the major cause of your obesity is a bitter pill to swallow. However, this acceptance of responsibility gives you an amazing power. The power to change.

You cannot change your genes, but you can change your habits. If you accept your genes as the major cause of your obesity then you give away all your power to change your situation. If you decide to consider your habits as the cause then you take 100% control of changing your situation.

Changing Habits

It takes thirty days of daily repetition to change a habit. You must complete the action every day, otherwise your brain will not get enough repetition to reprogram itself.

Click the link to learn more about how to change your habits and why the weight loss industry doesn't want you to change your habits, because they want to keep you overweight so you keep buying their products.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Is Gastric Band, Obesity, and Weight Loss On Your Mind?

Obesity and weight loss are the two main things which are perpetually in the minds of those of you who are obese. You may be doing plenty of exercise, you may have experimented with all the obvious solutions, or tried a variety of the different weight loss meals which are available in supermarkets, health food shops. or on line. You may even have tried attending obesity and weight loss seminars and purchased one or more of the many weight loss CDs which you can find around on the open market.

Yet here you are, standing on the weighing scale wondering why the finger pointer keeps creeping higher and higher with each new day. The thing to do is not to be impatient. You are not the only one in this situation.

There are now many alternatives available for people such as yourself. There are literally thousands of weight loss and diet programs available. The other alternative is of course Surgery.

There are now several choices available to you. Gastric band surgery, lap band surgery, gastric bypass, gastric sleeve, gastric balloon and some other new developments are reported to be in the pipeline.

Bariatric surgery is still the most popular and widely used surgery. Many surgeons prefer it for its simplicity and ease of management in relation to after care. There are also few known problems and the success rate is extremely high. To qualify for lap band surgery you need to have a BMI of over 35, so check you BMI to see if you qualify.

If you are desperate the lose weight then gastric band surgery could be the best solution for you.

Geoff Lord website's specialise in providing useful information about Gastric Band Surgery and includes a handy BMI calculator. Check your BMI to see if you qualify for weight loss surgery.

Learn What Obesity Is And What Is Its Solution - Capsiplex

If you are one who is suffering the problems caused by obesity, do you want to find out a perfect solution to this problem? Have you suffered the bad experience of using several slimming products available in the market and now trust none? Do you want to know how a product can be examined to evaluate its worth before paying for it? Are you saying yes to all the questions? You are at the right place.

Obesity is a world wide issue with one billion victims all over the world. Sometimes obesity is caused by some genetic issues and sometimes it is caused by overeating. The major reason of obesity is the difference between the rate of anabolism and catabolism. These two are the basic types of metabolism that is a chemical process in the human body, responsible for producing new and destroying old cells. Anabolism is the process of making new cells whereas catabolism is the process of their destruction. As long as there is a balance among the two, there will be no weight related issue. However if the anabolism of your body increases than the catabolism, your body will start making new cells rapidly and you will start getting obese. You can not overcome or handle this situation by doing exercises or dieting. What you need to do is to cure out the problem of your metabolism.

When it comes to regulate metabolism, wide range of products is available out there. Herbal products have always been distinguished from the pharmaceutical pills for their low side effects. Capsiplex is one among those that are 100% natural and based on herbs. The major ingredients of Capsiplex are Capsicum and black pepper. Capsicum plays its role in the form of promoting the oxidation process. Faster oxidization within the cells means higher rate of burning of cells. Similar is the role of black pepper. It also increases the rate of catabolism. This simply means that the metabolism of your body will be destroying more cells than the new cells being produced. Before you buy Capsiplex, you need to go through some Capsiplex reviews. There are several authentic sources to get information over the internet. All you need to do is make a search online.

Is Lap Band Insurance Something You Should Look for?

If you are looking at getting the lap band procedure, you know that while this is one of the more inexpensive procedures you can have done, it is still something that you need to budget for. That being said however you may also want to look and see whether or not you can get insurance coverage for the specific procedure.

The reason for this is that unlike other surgeries which may be considered cosmetic, lap band can also be considered something that will save your life especially if you have been struggling with your weight and things like your cholesterol or your heart over time. The key here of course is to ensure that your documents it history to show your insurance company of what weight-loss procedures you have tried before.

You also need to ensure that you have a solid presentation on not only the general benefits of the lap band surgery but also how it can help you specifically. You want to ensure that your insurance company understands that this will in fact save your life. Something else to consider of course is whether or not you fact need lap band surgery insurance in the first place. You may decide that the amount that your insurance company will cover is not necessarily worth the hassle of trying to convince them in the first place. Or, you may decide that you have enough cash on hand that you can just pay for all of once and not worry about having insurance pay for either. That of course is up to you however, insurance companies are there to help you when you need it especially with regards to things like your help at home. That being said, you may also decide that it is just too much hassle to search for various companies that will cover the cost or at least partial cost of the surgery.

Ultimately, it is up to you to decide whether lap band insurance is something you need.

Obese Workers Cost The US $73 Billion A Year

Obesity is not only a medical disorder but is also found to affect the normal life of an individual. The medical expenditure incurred annually by a regular employee who is obese is much more as compared to a normal person. Studies reveal that about 73 billion dollars is spent annually for these workers. They are also found to be less productive during work primarily due to their health disorders.

Obese people in this article refer to those individuals whose BMI, or body mass index, is more than 40. While the per capita cost of an obese woman was almost $17,000 a year, an obese male incurred an expenditure of more than $15,000 annually.

The total sum of 73 billion dollars accounts to hiring about 1.8 million professionals with an annual salary of $42,000 each. This is the average yearly wage of a US worker.

The absenteeism levels of obese people are found to be much more than a worker with normal weight. In addition, the average time that an employee takes to settle down in his workplace after his arrival at the office is found to be higher in obese people. This also means that the concentration levels are lower wherein the employee tends to repeat certain jobs as he or she does not do it properly the first time. Fatigue levels are higher and hence, the individual is slower than the normal while performing tasks. The actual productive time where the employee achieves the targets are also found to be lower in the case of obese people.

Lose Weight Quickly and Keep It Off For Good - This Will Be Worthwhile in Changing Your Lifestyle

Losing weight and keeping it off requires more than just a special diet and exercise. First you must think about why you came to be at this point in your life where you needed to take off some extra pounds. You didn't become overweight in just a few weeks or months, so it is likely that it will take you just as long, or even longer in some cases, to shed the pounds and keep them off for good.

Once you have given some serious thought to the factors in your life that led to this, ask yourself what it would be worth to you to never have to go on a special diet again. For most of us, the thought of having to avoid certain food forever and having to stay on a restricted diet may be too much to bear. But you must remember that anything worth achieving in life is hard work, and that the payoff will be worth it in the long run.

Write down everything you eat for three days before you begin your weight loss program. This means that you won't be starting until the fourth day, but I believe it is well worth it to find out exactly what your eating habits currently are before attempting to change them. Eat as you would normally, noting the types of foods, the portion sizes, and whether you prepared the food or it was purchased outside of your home.

Now it's time to take a look at your lifestyle in terms of daily exercise. Most overweight people do not have any schedule for exercising. Do you park as far away as possible before you go into a building? Do you take the stairs? Write down as much detail as possible to see just how much movement you are doing each day.

Now that you have a good picture of your current situation, jump right in and make changes. Eliminating refined sugar and white flour is an excellent place to start. Also, begin drinking water as your main beverage throughout the day. Cut out all foods that you know you should not eat while trying to lose weight, such as fried foods, processed foods, and desserts. Find out what foods you truly enjoy, and then learn how to prepare them in a healthy way. I still eat pasta and bread, but I make sure it has been prepared in a way that is conducive to my new lifestyle.

Good Reasons to Choose Lap Band Surgery

If you have a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 40 or more, you are considered by most doctors to be morbidly obese. As you know, the condition affects every single aspect of your life: your health, your social life, and indeed your very ability to enjoy a high quality of life in general. If diet and exercise just is not cutting the extra pounds for you, it may be time to give lap band surgery a look. Here are some good reasons why.

--The morbidly obese are much more susceptible to life-threatening conditions such as heart attack, Type 2 diabetes, hypertension and more. Waiting to do something about the weight is simply not an option.

--You want to live to see your children or grandchildren grow up and get married or you may also want to fulfill that life-long dream of going on that African safari. Whatever your goals are, you'll be more likely to fulfill them if you are in good physical condition.

--Lap band surgery is much less invasive than traditional surgical weight-loss procedures and is completely controllable once the band is in place: you and your doctor are in control rather than the other way around.

--There is much less risk of complications since the procedure is performed laparoscopically.

--Your weight loss following surgery is gradual and steady, which greatly optimizes the chances of long-term success in keeping the pounds off.

--You have only one life to live: and lap band surgery can be the key you've been looking for to help you live a better one.

Contacting a bariatric specialist may be the single best thing you can do to regain your good health and enjoy living again.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

HCG Weight Loss Diet

If you are looking for solid information on the HCG weight loss diet you've come to the right place. I've been a family practice doctor for 26 years and I have researched this diet for you. I will use simple terms that you can understand so don't let the lack of medical terms fool you.

The HCG diet was invented a number of years ago. When first invented the HCG was given by injection so the program was less popular. Now HCG is readily available in liquid drop form so it has gained some momentum.

The premise of the diet is to take the HCG as directed and only eat 500 calories for 21-28 days. You heard me right 500 calories a day. To give a simple example that is less than 3 sodas. Now does that sound healthy to you?

The HCG is supposed to help reset the hunger center in your brain so when you are done you will eat less. HCG falls under the herb, vitamin non FDA regulated supplements. This means that you may claim anything you like and you don't have to back it up with proof. So there are no medical studies and no one has an explanation of how this magic resetting of your hunger center actually occurs.

The old adage if it sounds to good to be true it probably is, applies here. Eating 500 calories a day can actually be dangerous to your health. Your body is stressed in a severe starvation mode. You could not only burn fat but you might burn muscle and even organ tissues if your body feels it needs the calories to survive.

If you"re looking for a program that is safe and effective and has a 2 week rapid weight loss phase please see my Bio box. You may certainly count calories and exercise to lose weight; but if you were looking at the HCG weight loss diet I assume you're looking for a safe structured program.

In conclusion th HCG weight loss diet is potentially dangerous with a prolonged 500 a day calorie ingestion. No one knows if the drops resets your hunger center so you maintain any weight loss and avoid another yo-yo of your weight upward. If you want a program that a doctor approves of check out My # 1 Recommended Diet Program in the resource box Today.

Good luck in your fat burning weight loss efforts and please do it safely so you may reap the health benefits you desire.

How And When Bariatric Lap-Band Surgery Can Fail

Bariatric Lap-Band surgery is a simple procedure that involves putting a band around the top part of the stomach to tighten the stomach. The purpose of tightening the stomach (much like a tight belt) is to limit food intake. This surgery is one of the safest surgeries available since the stomach is not cut, punctured, or permanently reconfigured in any way. However, there are still things that can go wrong with this procedure. The gastric band that is inserted could shift position, erode into the stomach, break, or cut into the stomach. Although these risks are rare, keep in mind that there are many risks associated with any type of surgery that may be unforeseen, but most of them can be treated.

Bariatric Lap-Band failure usually only fails when the patient lacks desire, determination, and patience. There are some patients who have the band removed because of complications that, with patience, could have been easily treated and cured (such as complications that cause the patient to feel ill). The most important factor that decides the success rate and the amount of success achieved boils down to the patient's desire to lose weight. If the patient does not follow all of the instructions and orders from the doctor while away from the doctor, then the patient won't have as much success, if any at all.

Even though the gastric band around the stomach makes an increased amount of food intake harder to achieve, the patient must still follow the doctor's dietary and fitness plans. There are foods and drinks the patient is advised to stay away from, and portion sizes the patient must not exceed, even with the band still on. The band makes it easier to follow a more strict dietary plan, but patients still have to do their part or the plan will fail. Lack of desire and determination is the cause of most failures. Therefore, as long as the patient is willing to obey the doctor's instructions, success will be very likely.

How Obesity Predisposes You To Certain Ailments

The arrival of the so-called fast food, as many researchers say, has dramatically raised the incidence of obesity. Because of the high fat and carbohydrate content of the food that we devour and the sedentary lifestyle that many of us lead, gaining weight is inarguably inevitable. Moreover, obesity has been linked to life-threatening illnesses such as cardiovascular accident, hypertension, heart problems, and among others.

Our generation today has learned to accept that obesity is part of the culture that we are adapting such that obese individuals are embraced by people without any prejudice and without a second glance. Though it may sound so humane to accept them, the more humane thing to do is to help obese individuals realize the risks that they are facing, more than the acceptance of the society of their existence.

Losing weight or maintaining a desirable body weight, aside from that fact that it increases self-confidence and improves one's sense of well-being, is related to an improved general health condition. Heart disease and stroke, the leading cause of death in the United States has been associated with obesity as overweight individuals are more likely to have high blood pressure because of the increased levels of cholesterol which predispose them to suffer from heart ailments and stroke. Losing about five to fifteen percent of your weight can lower your chances of developing a heart attack or stroke.

Losing weight can control both the two types of diabetes, the type I and type II. Obese individual's extra fat deposits increases insulin resistance thus an increased amount of insulin is needed to control symptoms and complications. Once fat pads are reduced after losing about five to seven percent of your weight, insulin is absorbed and used better, thus a decreased dosage of hypoglycemic agents.

Maintaining a desirable body weight reduces the risk of contracting certain types of cancers such as cancer of the uterus, gallbladder, colon, cervix, uterus and breast in women while colon, prostate and rectal cancers in men.

Even though with the mounting media and society pressure that dictate how men and women should look like, many individuals still continue to live an unhealthy lifestyle without discipline or control. With regards to losing weight, it is important that an obese person learns to accept that he or she is obese before the possibility of starting a weight loss program happens because acceptance is a major catalyst for someone or something to create a change.

Losing weight need not cost you to sacrifice some of life's little indulgences as you can combat the fat in the most natural, most reliable and most efficient customized way that will be suitable for you. Joining a group of friends on a weight loss program will definitely strengthen your desire to lose weight while a combat the fat review will greatly help you to become more motivated and goal-directed each day.

Health Benefits of Omega 3 Fish Oil For Obesity - Discover How These Oils Can Help You Burn More Fat

Although not one of the better known ones, the health benefits of omega 3 fish oil for obesity are now clearly documented, although it's not a miracle pill. The right oil will help you to lose weight as well as providing many other important benefits.

So how does omega 3 work?

Its main benefit for obesity is that it can reduce high insulin and triglyceride fats levels significantly.

Your body will first try to use the insulin levels for energy but if these are not high, it turns to the stored fat instead, helping you to burn off more.

The health benefits of omega 3 fish oil for obesity also include the fact that, according to an Australian study, when you exercise, these omega 3 fats help to activate enzymes associated with fat burning and boost your metabolism.

They also act as an appetite suppressant, helping you to feel full and therefore less likely to eat!

Studies show that people who consumed fish oil burned 25% more fat per day than those who did not.

What other benefits can you get with omega 3?

Let's not forget of course the wealth of other benefits you get with these oils including a significantly reduced chance of sudden death from a premature heart attack or stroke, stronger immune system, improved vision, enhanced brain health and mental well-being and much more.

How do you find the best fish oil supplements?

With so many to choose from today, it can be hard to make the right choice. Here is a brief guide to show you how to get the maximum benefits without any risks.

The purer the oil, the more benefits it will provide. To ensure that all the many toxins from the fish are removed, the oil should be molecularly distilled, just check the label.

The oil should be fresh and never have a strong fishy smell or give you those fishy burps. You can open a capsule and smell to see the quality. If there is a strong smell then the oil will be rancid or stale and offer very little benefits, especially for weight loss.

Recent research has shown that a fish oil supplement rich in DHA omega 3 fats provides far more benefits than one that has more of the other main fat, EPA. Again check the label or website to see.

As you can see, once you get the right oil, not only can you gradually and naturally lose weight but you can enjoy better health and mental-well being too.

If you would like to learn more about the pure DHA fish oil supplements I personally take, visit my website below.

Going for Your First Weight Loss Consultation

First time you come face to face with a bariatric surgeon, for your initial consultation, is best to clarify all aspects that interest you in this issue.

You will find out which is the right type of weight loss surgery that would be suitable for your needs and your medical condition. Of course, depending on the surgery type, the time for your recovery will differ, so you might be also curious about this aspect. Inquire your doctor about how your life style has to be changed after this surgery procedure, about what your eating habits and necessary physical activity will be. The most important aspect of all this early discussion is to be advised about how your health is going to be improved after recovery period is over. This will be the decisive moment that will determine your future actions close to the necessity of making this surgery procedure.

The amount of weight you will lose, after the bariatric surgery, is important for everyone because your future health will depend of it. Your doctor has to inform you about how big your expectations should be in this direction. Depending of your amount of weight loss you must expect needing some more surgical procedures in order to perfect your physical aspect by removing excess skin and lifting certain areas of the body. Ask your doctor to estimate the areas that might need to be adjusted when you will get thinner. This early consultation will help you take a decision about how suitable a bariatric surgery is for you; your concerns about making a weight loss surgery will be clarified.

You will be advised about specific risks your needed type of surgery involves. This discussion will help you realize about all changes you have to make and that they have to be made for longtime of your life. This is one idea that you must keep into your mind all the way, before and after the surgery procedure will be done.

You will also be informed about how long the procedure is going to take, about the fact that it will be performed under general anesthesia. The time you will be asleep varies much, depending of the type of surgery, from 30 minutes for lap-band surgery to a maximum of four hours for gastric bypass. The hospital stay will be different for each procedure and the necessary time to go back to your normal life will also differ.

Except for lap band surgery, all the other bariatric procedures are permanent. Weight loss surgery is a serious surgical procedure so none of the aspects that it involves must be neglected.

How Do Calories Work?

If you've ever looked the word up in the dictionary, I'm sure the scientific definition provided little incite to the importance of calories as it applies to your day to day life. I know it didn't help me much when I was beginning to change our family's lifestyle to a healthy one.

To me, that's because there should be a second definition. A calorie is something that you take in to provide energy and put out (or burn) when you perform an activity. Both aspects to the equation are important, but not always well understood.

Everything you do, whether it's going for a run or sound asleep in your bed, burns calories. The act of breathing burns calories. On that side of the equation, the important part is to figure out how many you burn, and perhaps increase the number by exercise.

Everything you consume, with the exception of water, adds calories. Sometimes, like eating a raspberry, you may burn more calories chewing and digesting than is found in the food, but that's another story. That is the simple definition of the term as it applies to your life.

Calculating those calories can be an extremely useful tool. It's not just important when you're trying to lose weight, if you are at your ideal weight you want to make sure you can maintain it. If you consume more than you burn, your body will store it as fat.

Doing the calculations used to be very difficult, both for what was consumed or burned. Food scales and mathematical calculations were needed, and it was time consuming, frustrating and usually resulted in a loss of interest by the poor dieter. Not so anymore.

There are a number of sites that have free calculators on them. These will help you even calculate what's going on while you're asleep. Just enter your age, weight and sometimes gender along with the length of time you were doing the activity and the results are totaled up for you. You can do the same with the food.

Gone are the days when you had to use spring scales. Now there are digital scales that are much more accurate and a lot easier to read. That allows you to be certain you know how many servings of a food you eat. They also clean up easier.

There is one last tip for you when it comes to the subject of calories. A lot of people find the simplest diet is to just plain not eat. That isn't a good idea for a lot of reasons. One is that it will put you in famine mode, and you will be unable to lose it. In fact, you could end up gaining.

Hopefully, these tips will help you find a type of diet that fits your needs. However, if you are having difficulties or if you have a lot of weight to lose, it might be an idea to talk to your doctor and perhaps a nutritionist. They can give you more information about what will work best for you.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

High Cholesterol Levels: Prevention and Treatment

High cholesterol level is becoming an increasing threat to many people. This is because many changes have involved our daily lifestyle that had lead to a partial sedentary life. Exercising, which is an important factor in preventing high cholesterol level, is being practiced by less individuals. All of these events had caused an increase in the incidence of hypercholesterolemia.

Hypercholesterolemia refers to a blood cholesterol measurement > 200 mg/dl. The normal total cholesterol level is 150-199 mg/dl. Cholesterol is not a harmful substance. It is only harmful when it's level is higher than normal. Cholesterol has the following functions in the human body:

1. It enters in the structure of many important body hormones as sex hormones.

2. It is important for production of bile acids, which digests fats.

3. It is an important constituent of the cell membrane of each cell.

4. Cholesterol is a part of the myelin sheath which covers the nerves. This sheath insulates the axon, which helps transmission of nerve impulses efficiently.

Now let's talk about hypercholesterolemia.

The problem of high cholesterol lies in increased risk for arteriosclerosis and heart disease.

What causes hypercholesterolemia?

It can be primary due to:

1. Hereditary

2. Obesity

3. Dietary intake

Or it can occur secondarily due to:

1. Diabetes mellitus (if poorly controlled)

2. Hypothyroidism

3. Renal impairment

4. Drugs as oral contraceptive pills and steroids

Hypercholesterolemia is asymptomatic and is only detected by a blood test.

Is there a good cholesterol and a bad one?

Yes there is. HDL cholesterol is the good one because it removes excess cholesterol from the blood vessels and carries it to the liver where it is broken down. Thus high level of HDL reduces the risk of atherosclerosis and heart disease.

VLDL, LDL and IDL are called bad cholesterol because they can deposit on the walls of blood vessels and form a plaque which can block arteries.

What can we do to prevent high cholesterol?

A well-balanced low-fat diet and maintenance of healthy body weight are the best ways to prevent high cholesterol. Saturated (animal) fats, including egg yolks and whole-milk dairy products, increase LDL. Monounsaturated fats-such as olive, canola, or peanut oils-and fiber can lower cholesterol levels. Besides exercising daily for 30 minutes will increase the level of HDL and lower LDL and triglycerides.

What is the treatment of hypercholesterolemia?

Lines of management includes the change of lifestyle and diet (as explained above). Drugs used are:

1. Statins (most common)

2. Bile acid sequestering resins

3. Cholesterol absorption inhibitors

4. Fibrates

5. Niacin

Important values:

Total cholesterol (normal): 150-199 mg/dl

Total cholesterol (borderline elevated): 200- 239 mg/dl

Total cholesterol (elevated) > 240 mg/dl

HDL (normal) > 40 mg/dl

HDL (borderline depressed): 35- 39 mg/dl

HDL (depressed) < 35 mg/dl

LDL (normal)<130 mg/dl

LDL (borderline elevated): 131- 159 mg/dl

LDL (elevated) > 160 mg/dl

Triglycerides (normal) < 160 mg/dl

Bottom-line, a fasting lipoprotein profile is recommended every five years.

I hope this article was beneficial and that it included the enough information to get the best awareness to you.

Health Tourism in Overseas Countries

In the last years, India has developed what we might call a strong health tourism. Today this country is the leading country promoting medical tourism having many respectable health companies that can offer consultancy about many healthcare issues. Gastric Band Surgery is one of the procedures available there.

All facilities they offer are very much compatible with any others that can be received in western countries. Competitive prices are one of the most important things which attract people who need to solve a medical problem and make an operation; the prices are to 60% lower if comparing with North American or European medical services. Medical experts, highly qualified surgeons, medical facilities, good infrastructure are important facts to be considered if one want to make gastric band surgery in India. They are also good hosts, customized in treating foreign patients. Indian health care services have kept pace with the latest technology; and the pharmaceutical industry is also a strong sector.

Patients who opt for gastric band surgery in India have to ask for a special Medical Visa. When one is received you will be able to use it for one year long and if it's necessary it can be prolonged to two years. Specialized personal of the health company will offer you assistance for documentation and papers necessary to obtain this Medical Visa.

For a fee, you can get online consultation from doctors who work in India. One can e-mail them all investigation reports that have done and the surgical treatment recommended. The case will be studied by specialists who will advice the best for that person. Indian doctors will email back all the details regarding the surgical operation one requested.

Before approaching a health clinic in India you can verify the competence of the medical staff by self researching or by asking them to give you some references. If you decide to make a registration for a surgery procedure like gastric band surgery you will be asked to pay a percent of the total cost in advance. The rest of the sum will be paid at your discharge from the hospital.

As an adjacent service, Indian clinics provide complete transport accommodation and assistance for those tourists who will choose a certain health company to resolve their health issues. Tour packages programs will include visits to the most interesting places of the country. One may combine the health treat with a holiday or even with a business trip.

Good Candidate For Weight Loss Surgery?

Good candidates for weight loss or bariatric surgery are individuals who are obese or morbidly obese. Most have tried to slim down with diets and/or exercise, but have failed. Not surprisingly, the popularity of bariatric surgery has soared.

Although this surgery is not typically covered by insurance, many insurance plans, including Medicare, pay for weight loss surgery in cases of medical necessity. Additionally, recent advances in the procedure have made it much more reasonable even for private pay.

But not all people who need to lose weight will be considered for the program. Diet restrictions are important to the success of the surgery. The stomach is reduced in size. This assists in weight loss, but to maximize results and minimize complications, patients must restrict their diet. Diet restrictions are necessary in the pre and post-surgery stages.

A consultation appointment with a surgeon will determine if you are an eligible candidate. If so, your surgeon will begin to discuss expectations. Not only will he or she outline what you can expect from surgery, but they will outline what is expected from you.

Doctors take a close look at the whole person when determining if the person is a good candidate for weight loss surgery. If the patient is not willing to do the pre-surgery diet and work, the doctor may not elect to move forward with the procedure. After all, if you couldn't restrict your diet before, what would be different now?

Part of the pre-process requirements are to challenge the patient and get them started on a new lifestyle change that will have a positive, long-term impact on their ongoing weight loss results and target weight maintenance.

There are other factors the surgeon will consider in determining if the procedure is right for you, such as:

Age - Generally, weight loss surgery can be performed on anyone between the ages of 18 and 60.

Weight - If your weight is double your ideal body weight, you may be a candidate for the procedure.

Medical - There are no medical conditions responsible for the weight gain such as hormonal imbalances, tumors or other diseases, or those diseases have been treated, or are currently being treated.

Commitment - You are committed to changing your habits including eating, lifestyle, diet and exercise--not only immediately, but also into the future

History - You have a history of trying to lose weight and gaining it back, or you have been obese for at least five years with no success at traditional weight loss methods.

Addictions - You have no known or diagnosed addictions to alcohol, drugs or other controlled substances.

If you meet all of the above requirements, you're probably a good candidate for weight loss surgery.

I Need Help Losing Weight - 3 Tips That Can Solve Your Problems

Have you ever said to yourself I need help losing weight? If so then you absolutely cannot afford to miss out on this article as I will be sharing exactly what you can do in order to not only lose weight but how you can keep it off as well. Over the next few minutes you will discover the answers to your I need help losing weight questions; by learning what to drink, what to eat and how to work out properly.

Knowing what to drink:

The sad truth is many of us do not even realize what we put in our bodies when it comes to drinking. We just find something tasty or something delicious and order right up. Have you ever thought to ask yourself just how many calories might be in that drink? A lot of our favorite coffee shops and other drive through drink spots have lots of drinks that are 400 plus calories. To put it out there you may be consuming 1/5th of your daily caloric intake (if you go by the daily 2000 calorie diet) for one drink! So to know how to drop weight fast drink flavored water instead of buying some ridiculously high calorie drink.

Proper Exercise:

A lot of people mess up on this part; they think that just because they went on a treadmill for an hour that they should be dropping weight fast. The key to fast weight loss is to push your body constantly. Being on a treadmill with it preset to one or two different speeds is not only boring, but it's not challenging either. Try doing some high intensity bodyweight workouts, they'll kick your butt and will save you on time as they can be completed in less than a half hour.

I need help losing weight tip - Knowing what to eat:

In order to truly lose weight and keep it off you will have to start making conscious decisions to eating healthy. Watch what you put into your body because a double cheeseburger with fries and a pop is not going to help you. If I was in your shoes I would be picking out foods that are high in fiber. Fiber is a great for boosting your metabolism and cleansing the system. Whenever possible look for high fiber fruits, veggies, and grains.

Do not tell yourself that I need help losing weight, instead follow the advice in this article and read my resource box for more information on how you can lose weight and keep it off.

There is no reason why you cannot have the body that you want. If you want to lose weight quickly then you should be able to do so. For a limited time only I'll share with you my tips and secrets in how you can lose weight fast and permanently for free. Click this link

Knowing what to eat is very important that is why you should read this article on some of the best flat belly foods.

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How to Beat Belly Fat Obesity in One Step

You will understand clearly why you are not losing unwanted body fat and why diets do not work before this article is done. I did one thing only without any exercise at all or changing one calorie intake and dropped several pants sizes. I have had a belly for 11 years and that old friend is gone. Just in time for the holidays too! You may wish to forward this important and potentially life-saving information to your family and friends you care about. Questions and comments are welcome. We will be happy to speak with you live most nights on our conference call. (Sun-Thurs nights)

Realize I have been on a nearly perfect diet so to speak for years too. That diet is still gluten free, dairy free, no corn-products, no genetic modified foods, no soy products, no shellfish, all organic, grass fed meats we raised without any grain fed, no pesticides or herbicides, no steroids, hormones, or antibiotics. We do not own a microwave, nor would we eat microwave food if we go out. My 15 and 16 year old daughters have never been to a fast food restaurant in their lives. I did plenty of sit-ups and jumped rope and still had a belly. We eat raw vegetables daily. We take live liquid enzymes your body used to get from food sources that are now unavailable. Our water is chlorine and toxic free. I have been thin my whole life and one day this gut shows up and nothing could be done to rid myself of it, or could it?

My thoughts were this belly is never going to go away. My wife would drop hints now and then too that my friend Mr. belly needed to leave. A phone call came to me from a long time friend in Seattle who I have worked with for 13 years. He is a bachelor with a very poor diet. No clue of health, how to cook from scratch, what labels have what and what to avoid. He tells me not only has he lost weight, he reversed a diabetes complication. His foot was headed for amputation due to neuropathy. He subsequently ended up reducing his diabetes medication too. He swore I had to try this stuff. It sounded harsh, and synthetic. I was not even curious mentally. My thoughts were whatever he was taking, like most things it will have a side-effect rearing its ugly head soon and who knows, maybe my friend won't be long for this world.

A year and a half later, my persistent friend was finally able to communicate that the formula he was taking was from organic plants as its primary base. You are kidding me was all I could think. Why didn't you tell me? He thought he did. After speaking with a Board Member of the company who produced this amazing formula that was based off the 1998 Nobel Prize in Medicine things came very clear to me. How profound simple things can be! How do our bodies work? We have three things a body can use for fuel-carbohydrates, protein, and fat. Carbs are the first choice for fuel-stored fat is second, it's our reserve tank, and if you are burning protein you are seriously unhealthy and feeding off yourself and likely not long for this world. Without getting too deep into carbs, complex-carbs, you must know that our bodies have over 100,000 of vascular systems. By eating any hydrogenated foods, (crackers, cookies, potato chips, so much more) you have started the process of building-up arterial plaque. Tim Russert the famous news anchor died recently and did so under doctor's care and had just passed an exam with an EKG a week before he passed. His death was not only unnecessary; it could easily have been prevented.

Once your very small capillaries are blocked, it is between extremely difficult to impossible to exercise/diet your arteries open and unblocked. Nature used to provide for us a substance that did this job for us. The 1998 Nobel Prize was awarded in Medicine for the work on NO. (Nitric Oxide) Not laughing gas either, that is Nitrous oxide. Nitric Oxide goes to work on the vascular system immediately. If you are really blocked up your arteries will start cleansing, then your veins, then capillaries.

The circulatory system is an organ system that passes nutrients (such as amino acids and electrolytes), gases, hormones, blood cells, etc. to and from cells in the body to help fight diseases and help stabilize body temperature and pH to maintain homeostasis.

I am curious if anyone would like to resolve any cellulite issues? So much more than clearing arteries are the result of this naturally occurring process. Diabetic complications are disappearing. High blood pressure is coming down, dementia is clearing up. Chronic pains and fatigue become energized. Erectile dysfunctions start to function-E.D. is also a sign of heart disease and failure about to occur, or at least severe arterial blockages. Most report freedom from the chains of obesity. There is so much more. You are all invited to join us live on a nightly conference call. Please visit our web site for more information.

Global Awareness Necessary in Helping Stop Obesity

The current total world population is about 7 billion people and around 300 million suffer from obesity. Being obese is the accumulation or possessing abnormal levels of body fat. There are 1 billion overweight individuals all over the globe and 3/10 of them are already categorized as obese. These people are more prone to other diseases due to their excessive weight that causes about 300,000 related deaths annually.

Certain clinical measurements help determine obesity. The most common method, called BMI or body mass index uses a chart that shows certain height and weight plotted together in various levels that can determine a value of BMI. Certain BMI levels ranging from 30 and above can mean a person is already obese. Another method called the hip-waist ratio that compares the circumferential measurement of the hips and waist. The resulting ratio of the two measurements in higher or increased levels can hint risk factors of being overweight or obese. Also the measurement of adipose or fat found in the skin layer using a caliper can also help in determining a person is already obese.

Chronic diseases can stem out of obesity. Too much weight can lead to type-II diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, stroke and or hypertension, and in some cases some forms of cancer. Although obese individuals look robust and big, their health condition is actually hanging in the balance. Much of their weight hinders proper bodily functions that can slowly destroy their vital organs like kidneys, gall bladder, heart, liver, and even the brain.

Obese people are also observed to display low self-esteem due to their limited mobility and social stigma of being fat. This is especially painful for teens who are obese, being in an awkward stage in their life when social acceptance is a big deal or even adults who might be subject to ridicule or biases.

Global awareness of this epidemic should be implemented continuously so gradual decrease of affected population can happen. Many health organizations are encouraging communities to be on a balanced diet and fitness routines to prevent being obese. Teaching the causes and prevention of obesity can clearly explain its effects to an individual.

People should know that keeping a healthy lifestyle can lessen the chances of becoming obese. Other causes of this epidemic can come from genetics, medical conditions, and generally a lack of physical activity. The production of goods that are high in salt, fat, and sugar contents also contribute in the prevalent cases in the younger population that consume fast and ready-made food. Parents should encourage their kids to eat a balanced meal and get involve with physical play and sports to prevent them from becoming obese.

Treatment of being obese has been devised in order to dramatically decrease the fat of an affected person. Surgery is one of the most obvious options as well as fat loss medications sanctioned by a physician.

Remaining healthy in modern times means having a more balanced lifestyle. The old cultural mentality of "bigger is always better" is not befitting anymore in terms of physical size because it poses as a great threat to all individual health.

Monday, November 22, 2010

How Can You Tell If You Are Obese or Just Overweight?

Being overweight or obese are two closely tied conditions of the body that have serious health implications. Obesity is the advanced stage of being overweight; and both obesity and overweight are the common type of malnutrition in advanced countries. While malnutrition in less developed countries result from inadequate quantity of food intake, in advanced countries, malnutrition results from taking excess calories and exercising less; daily exercise does not commensurate with the quantity of food that is being taken.

Causes of Overweight and Obesity

Overweight and obesity result from two distinct factors- genetic and lifestyle. Overweight and/or obesity can run in families such that almost every member of the family easily accumulates fat from the food he or she eats. Similarly, as mentioned earlier, eating foods that are high in fat and exercising less is a lifestyle that naturally leads to overweight and may advance to obesity.

Percentage Fat that Indicates Being Overweight and Obese

A person is said to be overweight when the body fat increases above the ideal by 1% to 19%. This means, a 1% -19% increment in your body weight beyond the desirable or ideal weight for you is a sign that you are being overweight. Consequently, obesity results when your body weight reaches 20% or more above your desired or ideal body weight.

However, there are degrees of obesity- mild, moderate or gross. About 90% of obese people have mild obesity which is between 20% and 40% above normal weight; 9% have moderate obesity which is above 40% but less than 100% above the normal body weight; whereas about 1% of obese people have gross obesity which is 100% or more above the normal body weight.

What is the Ideal Body Weight?

A common method you can employ to determine your ideal body weight is your body mass index (BMI). A BMI of over 25 is overweight and over 29 is obesity

Other methods of determining your weight are waist/hip ratio, measuring of skin fold, hydrostatic weighing, electrical impedance etc. Yet, the most common and widely accepted method of determining being overweight or obese involves using the BMI. However, it is still used together with other methods e.g. waist circumference.

To conclude, the most basic solution to overweight and obesity is regular exercise and healthy eating habits. Once you detect that you are approaching overweight, you should begin to institute measures to stay fit.

How Much Do Bariatric Lap-Band Surgeries Generally Cost?

The cost of bariatric Lap-Band surgeries can vary significantly depending on where you go, but you can expect to pay around 10,000 dollars. Some places in the United States will even charge around 30,000, so be sure to shop around if you are trying to get a good deal! Many bariatric centers offer different payment plans too, so do your homework before deciding which will be the best deal overall.

Insurances will lots of times cover for bariatric care, especially if you qualify for it medically. If you are not covered, then lots of times your employer can make the change for you if you are covered under the company's insurance plan. If for some reason you are unable to get your insurance to cover at least some of the costs, there will usually be other options available to you. However, going through your insurance will usually be your best bet because you never know when complications could arise. In that situation, the cost could end up being much more than you had anticipated.

Lots of bariatric centers have "out-of-network" insurance plans you can use. It won't be as good as using your own insurance that they are networked with, but it will at least help to cut costs. Many bariatric centers also have additional financial payment plans to help enable you to pay, and they may save you money too. These financial plans that bariatric centers offer are usually through third parties that are in business with the center. If your insurance won't cover for bariatric care, be sure to explore all payment options and you may be surprised how much of the cost you can defray.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Digestion in the Human Body

The purpose of digestion is to free nutrients by breaking down the large particles in which most are located into easier forms little enough (and soluble enough) to pass from the digestive classification into the cells where they're required. However, these nutrients are of no value if digestion is messed up.

Digestion incorporates a broad variety of mechanical and chemical steps that are appropriate to breaking down particular varieties of nutrients. Hormonal procedures come into play before, during, and once digestion for the reason that the secretions and muscular movements of the digestive tract can be triggered by hormonal secretions or inhibited in part by psychological factors exterior the body. The mechanical processes take site throughout the entire cycle of digestion. The chemical courses of action act, by means of acids, enzymes, and alkalis, above all on proteins, fats, and carbs, as vitamins and minerals are able to be taken in mainly by the body in their original shape, once they're split off from the foods that bind them.

Water is a essential medium in the entire digestive procedure, aiding secretions in softening, watering down, and dissolving nutrients and in transporting them to the cells. In the mouth, food begins to be broken down both mechanically and chemically. It is masticated, or chewed, and lowered to little molecules that are more on hand to digestive chemicals. The chewed ration mixes with saliva and becomes softer and simpler to swallow, whereas ptyalin, an enzyme in the saliva, sets off to chop up starches in the ration into their ingredient molecules of easier sugars.

While the food remains in the mouth, its pleasing taste creates a stimulus for continued consuming and for secretion of more saliva. The ration is then pushed farther into the digestive system by swallowing, a reflex contraction caused by the presence of food on the behind of the tongue. Wavelike muscular motions propel the food through the esophagus then through the cardiac sphincter, a circular band of muscle that guards the entrance to the belly and prevents food from returning to the esophagus.

The stomach moves in rhythmic, muscular contractions and eventually combines all of the ration with the gastric juices, forming a semisolid mixture known as chyme. The gastric juice contains hydrochloric acid, which produces an acidic medium to support in the splitting of proteins and to destroy microorganisms and protect the body from food-borne in?fection; mucin, which performs as a lubricant to assist move ration through the digestive tract, and defends the tract itself, and the enzymes pepsin and gastric lipase, which help to separated protein and fat molecules, respectively. The quantity of gastric juice present in the belly will be bigger by smelling, tasting, or merely thinking in relation to food, but secretions will be inhibited by emotions for example anger or fear or by repulsive sights or odors.

The most significant digestive procedures take location in the little intestine and involve three varieties of secretions. The pancreas secretes pancreatic juice, which holds many enzymes that broken up proteins, starches, fats, and other ration components as well as bicarbonate that neutralizes the gastric acid in the chyme as it comes from the stomach. The liver secretes bile, which is concentrated and accumulated in the gallbladder; the bile assists to digest fats in the small intestine by emulsifying them and producing them more on hand to digestive enzymes. Moreover finally the cells of the intestinal lining itself create intes?tinal juice, which contains a few enzymes, most for processing carbs, two for protein, and one for fats. While this is going on, the villi - small, finger-like projections that line the wall of the little intestine - go to work to absorb and move nutrients to the bloodstream. Peristaltic and rhythmic actions mix the ration and carry it through the little intestine, causing it to brush against the villi, which are over and over again in motion and are capable to decide out particles of nutrients with such competence, that by the period the chyme has passed through the little intestine; virtually 95 percent of some nutrients will have been absorbed.

The big intestine, so named because it is wider than the little intestine, is the final reservoir of the digestive tract. Its major assignment is to actively reabsorb excess fluid and dissolve mineral salts from the digested ration weight to help maintain the body's fluid equilibrium. Water not utilized in other courses of action is discharged by being flushed (along with waste products) through the kidneys.

From Obesity Causes to Bariatric Surgery

It is important for us to know the main causes that lead us to obesity.

Traced to gens obesity is commonly named genetic obesity. Medical studies concluded that obesity is inherited because it has great genetic component. A higher appetite might also come from your genes or from the early educational state in the family.

Certain illnesses can cause obesity. Hypothyroidism is the main sickness a doctor would look for, in an obese patient. Thyroid used to be blamed for most of our illegitimate weight gains but, sometimes, even if the thyroid function is not correct, it is influenced by other glands malfunction. If the situation is so, the real cause of weight gain is really hard to find. Other illness to blame for obesity is Cushings Syndrome.

All emotional problems or mental illnesses are possible culpable factors for one person to become overweight. Whatever the main reason for depression is, it can lead to obesity for the most of us because it causes alimentary disorders.

At the beginning of everyone's obesity is, in most situations, poor eating habits and a low level of physical activity so we can say that the environment we live in might be blamed for obesity. If physical work is no more a part of our life, it is indicated to try to do some other kind of physical activities, starting from an early age. Nowadays, foods have a low cost so abusing food is no more a money problem. High calories foods, contained in small amounts of foodstuff are also to be blamed. Sugars and fats contain low nutrients and many empty calories so your body will transmits to the brain the information that he lacks vital nutrients, like minerals and vitamins and we will feel hunger at a short time after a fatty or sugary meal is taken.

Searching the main cause that led you to obesity is the key to a significant weight loss. There are situations when a person's weight can't get lower without surgery, or, if the patient obtain some weight loss, his efforts are too high and satisfaction is too low, especially if the weight lose can't be preserved for a reasonable period of time and the body tends to quickly come back to its initial fat form. Talking to a bariatric doctor will help you decide if it is the right moment to try a weight loss surgery and which of the opportunities the modern science offers, is the most appropriate for you.

Effective Exercises for Obese People

Are you suffering from obesity? Well, you can always do something about it. Try reading this article. It provides some effective exercises intended for obese people:

1. Sitting down exercises - Sitting down has been considered as one of the most effective exercises for obese people. This is also considered as one of the safest exercises. For overweight people or obese people, you can opt to do sitting up and down exercises that are effective for you. This type of exercise can actually help in building basic muscle strength and lessening fat production. While you are sitting down on your chair, you can do various arm movements and arm raises, you can do leg lifting and back bending or body leaning. These are gentle exercises that will prepare your obese body to do strenuous exercises in the future.

2. Walking exercises - Walking exercises is one of the most common exercises too for obese people. It is best recommended that you do short or long walks for at least thirty minutes every day. If you cannot tolerate doing a thirty-minute walk, then you can adjust it according to your capabilities. You should make sure that you keep yourself comfortable as much as possible. Consider wearing comfortable shoes when walking. It will greatly affect your activity for the day. Wear something that is not too tight and not too loose. You should always bring water with you as to replenish all fluids lost due to sweats. This will keep you hydrated. Always remember to take several breaks so as not to overwhelm your body.

3. Swimming exercises - Swimming exercises are also one of the most effective exercises recommended for obese people. This can be a great alternative for some exercises or activities. Remember that water allows you to feel lesser loads from your body because you become lighter when you are in the water. It actually allows you to get rid of more serious strains and injuries as well. You can do all strokes in the pool and you can move every single part of your body. You can do butterfly stroke, breast stroke, or the freestyle. You can do whatever you wish to do in the water.

There are so many effective exercises for obese people, but try considering these exercises first. These have been proven effective and are the safest. Tone down your weight and have a healthy body.

Curbing Your Body Fat With Effective Obesity Medication

Fat accumulation in the body leads to obesity - a health condition which is not just bad in itself, but also a precursor to many other terminal illnesses including cancer. It is estimated that about 17% men and 21% women in the UK suffer from obesity while the percentage of overweight population in the country sits higher at 46% for men and 32% for women.

Never compromise with safety

Obesity treatment mainly focuses on reducing the amount of body fat gained through intake of fatty foods. While there are plenty of weight loss pills that can help burn down excess fat, it is always safe to choose a pill which you'll get only on prescription. Availability on prescription testifies to the fact that the medicine concerned is clinically tested and has a proven track record of dealing with the problem for which it is synthesised.

Xenical: an overview

Xenical orlistat is a prescription drug that can trigger weight loss in overweight or obese people. But for the drug to be effective, you need to alter your lifestyle - especially your eating habit and the amount of physical efforts you put in everyday. A little bit of support from your family and friends will help keep you on the right track.

Your body breaks down dietary fat in its simplest form to help digestion. After digestion, the excess fat is stored in muscles and other parts of the body, which eventually leads to weight gain. Now there are mainly two ways to make sure you don't put on weight:

Eating less because you don't feel like eatingGetting rid of fat from the body

Many slimming pills encourage you to eat less by creating a sense of fullness in you. Orlistat, on the other hand, doesn't keep you starved. It simply prevents about 30% dietary fat from being digested. It binds to fat-breaking enzymes called lipases and prevents the enzymes from breaking fat.

Can I take the medicine?

To know whether or not you are eligible for weight loss medication, you have to check your BMI (Body Mass Index). Xenical slimming pills are recommended for people with a BMI of 27 or above. But your decision should always be a careful one because many people gain weight only temporarily.

Dosing schedule

Each 120mg capsule is to be taken thrice a day with a low-calorie healthy and nutritious diet. Fad diet and Xenical don't combine well at all. So there's no point asking your body to do one thing and encouraging your body to do another. Try to avoid taking meals that contain more than 30% fat. Regular exercise is a must when you are on a weight loss therapy. It normally takes up to 6 months to lose a significant amount of body fat, but you may start noticing improvements in just 3 months. The key to successful weight loss is patience and discipline. So use Xenical only as an external aid to support your weight loss regimen.

Eating Too Fast and Fat Loss: Was Mom Right All Along?

Society seems to be built on speed and momentum. When you are running errands or working at ninety miles an hour who has time to eat? Unfortunately, speed eating can be a contributor to weight gain. One simple tip that can help you lose weight is to simply eat slowly. That can't be right? Is it? Eating slowly has a lot of health benefits that may not be seen on the surface. Eating fast can be a necessity in the pace that most people keep, but keep this in mind.

Eating slowly actually aids in digestion. Are you one of those people who always has heart burn? Remember, digestion starts in the mouth. Chewing thoroughly and properly will give the body plenty of time to break down the food as we eat. Slowing down can save you some nasty heartburn and won't make you feel bloated at the end of the meal. That bloated feeling is due to your body not registering you are full until you are done with everything on your plate.

You do not always have to clean everything on your plate. That may have been a childhood rule for some of you. Eating slower allows your body time to register there is food in your stomach. Your body will know when its full and give you that signal. It takes time to register that. By eating slower, you know when you are full and it will reduce the amount of calories that you pull into your body. If you do not take at least twenty minutes to eat, your body will not have time to register the food.

Here is a good tip, enjoy your food. One problem that most people suffer from diets and eating healthy is not getting to eat as much. If you take the time to enjoy the food you have, you are not left craving more. If you are at your dessert for the week, don't wolf it down, enjoy it. Eating can be about tasting as much as it is about getting nutrition to your body and remember the cooks in the family, they have spent a lot of time preparing something. Why gobble it in moments?

Knowing and doing are unfortunately two different things. Training yourself to eat slowly is a big deal. Try using a fork and knife to eat with. This will make you eat slower because you have to do more to get each bite. The fork is not a shovel, it is an eating utensil. Talking between bites is another great way to force you to slow down.

These practices may seem hard to get down at first. It is not a race. Don't eat as fast as you can. Slow down and enjoy yourself and your company. It may appear rude to sit there while other people finish but it truly isn't. Talk to people, eat slowly and enjoy life. Eating slowly will not only help with weight loss, but it has a lot of other benefits. All it takes is a little bit of discipline to break the habit, even if you have been doing it for years.

Disease Acquired by Being Obese

Irregular or extreme fat build up that causes health problem is what we usually call as overweight and obesity. Globally, it has reached to an epidemic percentage with almost a billion adults overweight, 300 million are medically diagnosed as obese- the major provider to the worldwide burden of chronic diseases and disability. In countries with problems in under-nutrition, obesity is a multifaceted situation with social and psychological aspect that affects all ages and socioeconomic status.

The condition of overweight and obesity may cause harmful effects on blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides and insulin resistance. Consequences of obesity may lead to some confusion because a lot of medical circumstance implicates in the growth of obesity per SE.

Normally, when body fats increases, Type 2 diabetes and hypertension develops. Sad to say these diseases affects obese children even before reaching puberty. According to statistics, 85% of people with diabetes are type 2 and among these 90% are obese or overweight.

Another disease that can be acquired with obesity is the life threatening breast cancer, colon cancer, prostate, endothermic (mucous membrane lining the womb), kidney and gallbladder. The unceasing overweight and obesity add to the significant number of people who suffer from osteoarthritis, a main cause of adult disability.

Hypercholesterolemia, an unusually high level of cholesterol in the blood is another disease caused by obesity and overweight. Obese children may even acquire high blood pressure and the occurrence of hypertension regardless of race, sex and age. The metabolic syndrome, a problem relating to or typical of metabolism may give the higher risk of cardiovascular diseases. Orthopaedic complications in child obesity are important. It causes Blount disease, an overgrowth of medical aspect of proximal tibial metaphysic that may lead to curving of the legs.

The most common though to overweight and obese children that may also cause hypertension, daytime fatigue and pulmonary hypertension is the obstructive sleep apnea. The NAFLD or the Nonalchoholic fatty liver disease is the mild growth in transaminases, a hyperechoic liver on ultrasound and proof of steatosis and peeriportal fibrosis on histologic emaninations. Thus in due time, liver cirrhosis may take place.

The weight of a person is a result of how you interact witht he environment, family history and genetics, metabolism (the way the body changes food and oxygen into energy), the behaviour and habits among others. Some of these factors may not be change such as family history but lifestyle habits can.

In order to get healthy and fit body, weight-loss treatments should take into consideration. Eating calories fewer than you are used to and doing physical activities are just a few of the methods for weight loss. Medicine and surgical weight loss are another option when changes in lifestyle are not meet.

What comprises a healthy eating plan is that it must be low in saturated fat, trans fat, cholesterol, sodium (salt) and added sugar. A healthy eating plan gives nutrients the body needs on a day to day basis. To lose more weight or maintain your weight loss program is to continue lifestyle changes. It is really essential to make changes of bad habits.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Causes and Implications of the Gastric Reflux Disease

Popularly named hearth burn (the burning sensation in the throat), the gastric reflux happen when the stomach acid goes back into the esophagus causing discomfort such as a burning sensation. Some persons might also experience difficulty to swallow and feel a taste of bitter in their mouth. Heart burn occurs if the lower esophageal sphincter relaxation is happening in the wrong time, in a different time than the swallowing moment of the food and keeps being open for a longer period than the normal one. Naturally, the sphincter should open itself only for a few seconds during the swallowing process.

The most fervent factors that provoke gastric reflux are:

- Hormonal changes during pregnancy. Sphincter cannot self close completely during pregnancy due to hormonal changes occurring and due to the increased abdominal pressure. Hormones also cause a slow digestive transit during pregnancy so gastric reflux become a common problem in the life of a pregnant women.

- Weakness of the esophageal sphincter. If esophageal sphincter is poorly represented, it will not produce a perfect closure of the esophagus and reflux will occur. This is a rare cause of gastro esophageal reflux with moderate manifestations, but in people with severe reflux it occurs in 25 percent.

- Gastric reflux is common in people with hiatal hernia (hiatus hernia). Symptoms in these individuals range from moderate to severe.

- Digestion delay. If the foods sit for a long time in the stomach, before been forwarded to the intestine (delayed gastric emptying), the risk of the stomach reflux will be higher.

- Excessive eating. A big meal will fill the stomach and will increases the possibility of gastro esophageal reflux that occurs because the relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter.

Some foods, though not produce sphincter relaxation, produce an esophageal burn and the esophagus becomes immediately irritated. These foods are spices, citrus products and tomato products. Alcohol, tobacco and certain medications can also cause sphincter relaxation.

Factors that increase the risk of developing gastro esophageal reflux disease are: overweight; pregnancy; smoking; alcohol; consumption of certain foods like chocolate, coffee, soda that will cause the relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter; fatty foods because they remain in the stomach of for a long period of time producing acidity; certain drugs, like medication for asthma or emphysema that also causes sphincter relaxation; old age; scleroderma (a rare autoimmune disease in which the immune system destroys healthy tissues).

Gastric reflux is a common issue today. Almost none of us can say that never felt this problem in our life. An untreated gastric reflux can lead to other serious problems such as ulcers, inflammation, low blood count or anemia.

Diet After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

As in every bariatric surgery, after gastric sleeve surgery and its recovery period, the patient's eating habits will have to change.

1.After surgery, the stomach will only have 100-150 milliliters so the subject will feel full very quick. Overeating will enlarge the stomach again.

2.For the first three to four weeks the patient is allow to eat only low caloric foods.

3.Subjects must avoid sugars, especially those contained in liquids, because they will dramatically slow the weight loss process. This kind of sugars does not represent a real nutrient for one's body.

4.Fat foods and fried foods must be avoided because they are harder to digest and have low amounts of minerals and vitamins that your body needs.

5.Patients shouldn't eat greedily; every bit must be well chewed and slowly swallowed. In the moment the person feel saturation, he/she must stop from eating. If vomiting occurs after many meals consecutively, a patient may develop a dehydrating symptom. In this case, subjects will be recommended to drink liquids containing electrolytes for a while and only when they will feel better to restart eating solid foods.

6.After gastric sleeve surgery patients must take care about every day administration of the necessary quantity of fluids, preferably water. The recommended dose is at least 1.5 liters or more, depending of each individual's stature and weight.

7.If certain symptoms occur like headache, nausea, vomiting, dark urine the patient must inform his doctor.

8.Never drinking fluids 15 minutes before having a meal or 30-40 minutes after, is recommended; these might enlarge the stomach size again and make the it's digestive juices to become to diluted for a proper digestion.

9.Subjects of gastric sleeve surgery will not eat more than three meals a day and, only if they're really hungry; will take one single snack between meals. Every food patients eat must be reach in nutrients. Usually one of the meals must be especially reach in proteins. The main foodstuffs patients have to ingest are those rich in proteins, fruits, vegetables and cereals.

10.Checking intolerance to certain foods that might appear after gastric sleeve surgery is also important. If one type of food is not well tolerated patient should take one week break before trying it again. Different types of foods must be introduced gradually and each one at a time (meal), never combined, in order to avoid indigestion.

11.For those persons who do not tolerate lactates there are supplements that will help their digestion.