You will understand clearly why you are not losing unwanted body fat and why diets do not work before this article is done. I did one thing only without any exercise at all or changing one calorie intake and dropped several pants sizes. I have had a belly for 11 years and that old friend is gone. Just in time for the holidays too! You may wish to forward this important and potentially life-saving information to your family and friends you care about. Questions and comments are welcome. We will be happy to speak with you live most nights on our conference call. (Sun-Thurs nights)
Realize I have been on a nearly perfect diet so to speak for years too. That diet is still gluten free, dairy free, no corn-products, no genetic modified foods, no soy products, no shellfish, all organic, grass fed meats we raised without any grain fed, no pesticides or herbicides, no steroids, hormones, or antibiotics. We do not own a microwave, nor would we eat microwave food if we go out. My 15 and 16 year old daughters have never been to a fast food restaurant in their lives. I did plenty of sit-ups and jumped rope and still had a belly. We eat raw vegetables daily. We take live liquid enzymes your body used to get from food sources that are now unavailable. Our water is chlorine and toxic free. I have been thin my whole life and one day this gut shows up and nothing could be done to rid myself of it, or could it?
My thoughts were this belly is never going to go away. My wife would drop hints now and then too that my friend Mr. belly needed to leave. A phone call came to me from a long time friend in Seattle who I have worked with for 13 years. He is a bachelor with a very poor diet. No clue of health, how to cook from scratch, what labels have what and what to avoid. He tells me not only has he lost weight, he reversed a diabetes complication. His foot was headed for amputation due to neuropathy. He subsequently ended up reducing his diabetes medication too. He swore I had to try this stuff. It sounded harsh, and synthetic. I was not even curious mentally. My thoughts were whatever he was taking, like most things it will have a side-effect rearing its ugly head soon and who knows, maybe my friend won't be long for this world.
A year and a half later, my persistent friend was finally able to communicate that the formula he was taking was from organic plants as its primary base. You are kidding me was all I could think. Why didn't you tell me? He thought he did. After speaking with a Board Member of the company who produced this amazing formula that was based off the 1998 Nobel Prize in Medicine things came very clear to me. How profound simple things can be! How do our bodies work? We have three things a body can use for fuel-carbohydrates, protein, and fat. Carbs are the first choice for fuel-stored fat is second, it's our reserve tank, and if you are burning protein you are seriously unhealthy and feeding off yourself and likely not long for this world. Without getting too deep into carbs, complex-carbs, you must know that our bodies have over 100,000 of vascular systems. By eating any hydrogenated foods, (crackers, cookies, potato chips, so much more) you have started the process of building-up arterial plaque. Tim Russert the famous news anchor died recently and did so under doctor's care and had just passed an exam with an EKG a week before he passed. His death was not only unnecessary; it could easily have been prevented.
Once your very small capillaries are blocked, it is between extremely difficult to impossible to exercise/diet your arteries open and unblocked. Nature used to provide for us a substance that did this job for us. The 1998 Nobel Prize was awarded in Medicine for the work on NO. (Nitric Oxide) Not laughing gas either, that is Nitrous oxide. Nitric Oxide goes to work on the vascular system immediately. If you are really blocked up your arteries will start cleansing, then your veins, then capillaries.
The circulatory system is an organ system that passes nutrients (such as amino acids and electrolytes), gases, hormones, blood cells, etc. to and from cells in the body to help fight diseases and help stabilize body temperature and pH to maintain homeostasis.
I am curious if anyone would like to resolve any cellulite issues? So much more than clearing arteries are the result of this naturally occurring process. Diabetic complications are disappearing. High blood pressure is coming down, dementia is clearing up. Chronic pains and fatigue become energized. Erectile dysfunctions start to function-E.D. is also a sign of heart disease and failure about to occur, or at least severe arterial blockages. Most report freedom from the chains of obesity. There is so much more. You are all invited to join us live on a nightly conference call. Please visit our web site for more information.
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