If you're currently struggling with obesity, clinical obesity or morbid obesity and you think your genes may be to blame this article will help you by discussing the common causes of obesity in parents and their children.
After reading this article you will understand the factors that may lead to obesity particularly when your parents are also obese.
Genes and Obesity
Your genes affect several weight-related functions in your body, including your metabolic rate, blood glucose metabolism, fat-storage and hormones.
Research into obesity and genetics has indicated that adopted children tend to develop weight similar to their biological parents, rather than adoptive parents. This, together with the facts that obesity tends to run in families, suggests that a genetic predisposition to obesity may be passed down from your parents.
However, there's another thing that your parents pass down to you - your habits.
Obese Habits
Our habits are formed very early in life and are heavily influenced by our parents. If your parents ate microwave dinners with a can of soda, this became the 'norm' for you and your eating habits were formed.
Once a habit is formed it becomes a routine of behaviour that we automatically repeat and it tends to occur almost subconsciously. Sometimes your habits are so strong you've forgotten you have any other choice.
You current weight, fitness, health, where you live, the car your drive and your job are all a result of your current habits. Habits that can be changed.
Habits Or Genes
The fact that obesity has increased dramatically over the last few decades points to the reality that environment, not genetics is the major cause. Perhaps having a predisposition to obesity has worsened the problem.
Why Habits Is Worth Your Consideration
Initially, accepting your habits as the major cause of your obesity is a bitter pill to swallow. However, this acceptance of responsibility gives you an amazing power. The power to change.
You cannot change your genes, but you can change your habits. If you accept your genes as the major cause of your obesity then you give away all your power to change your situation. If you decide to consider your habits as the cause then you take 100% control of changing your situation.
Changing Habits
It takes thirty days of daily repetition to change a habit. You must complete the action every day, otherwise your brain will not get enough repetition to reprogram itself.
Click the link to learn more about how to change your habits and why the weight loss industry doesn't want you to change your habits, because they want to keep you overweight so you keep buying their products.
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